Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"He is my Prize..." Sometimes

This is going to be short and sweet... but as I think about David Crowder's song How He Loves, I'm often captivated by the lyric "And we are His portion and He is our prize."  It's so beautiful, because it reminds us that the greatest thing we can pursue is God Himself.  However, I went through the day yesterday (and this happens most days) where God was clearly NOT the prize I was pursuing.  I pursue people so they like me, I pursue possessions to make me feel better, I pursue food to comfort me.  Last night in particular, I couldn't stop eating... I felt like a 16 year old garbage disposal all over again.  Then the guilt set in,  "I'm going to get fat!  No!  Not again!  I did so much to lose this weight!" 

I was convicted, but also reminded of a great truth about worship songs.  Worship songs aren't necessarily speaking about what we do now, but what God is transforming us for.  There's a fun video on youtube right now, about how we really don't mean what we sing.  I'd say it's really true, when we sing "I could sing of your love forever," normally I'm thinking, "I can sing until I get hungry for lunch."  This can be seen as really bad, OR, we can praise God that He one day will orient our hearts to sing solely about Himself.  He WILL bring us to completion in Christ.  It's a concrete fact.  "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."  (Phil. 1:6)  So is Christ my ultimate prize?  Yes!  I am a new creation (II Cor. 5:17).  But I will not be completely there, 24/7 until we get to Heaven.  And neither will anyone else.  Until then, I'll keep singing that lyric, along with the ones from the song 'Forever Reign,' (I'm running to your arms, my heart will sing no other name) not because that's completely true now, but knowing that God will one day completely orient my heart to do that.