Saturday, May 10, 2014

A series of remembrance

"My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,
    and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,  
when I remember you upon my bed,
    and meditate on you in the watches of the night; 
 for you have been my help, 
 and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy." -- Psalm 63:5-7

As I've been thinking about my relationship with God, one thing I'm realizing is how I just don't take time to remember Him, who He is, His marvelous deeds, and His unparalleled wisdom, and how that has particularly intersected into my life.  Because of that, it's been easy for me to forget both His goodness to me, as well as easy to forget what He has brought me through and what He has saved me from.  

As I did a simple search on the verb "remember," bible gateway turned up 234 individual verses in which the verb was used.  Multiple verses had the word in it more than once.  Sometimes it had to do with God "remembering" His people, but even more so it had to do with His people remembering Him, God commanding His people to remember Him and His deeds, and the consequences of not remembering Him.    

As it turns out, it seems like the theme of remembrance is a key one in the scriptures.  So, my hope as I think through this blog, is to remember some key moments in my life to reflect on who God is, what He has done personally in my life, and how it could apply to the here and now. 

My guess is some of these things will be major life events.  Others, probably not as much.  In fact, there have probably been more moments of being stuck in the muck where I've seen Jesus painstakingly walk alongside me, rather than high highs and low lows.  I don't share these to highlight my greatness or the triumphs I've had (and mostly haven't had).  Rather, I hope as I take time to remember the works of our great God, it is an encouragement to me and to all of you who see the God of the universe who takes time to intercede both in the big moments, as well as the little moments of life.  

I hope you enjoy this as I pursue Jesus to escape the false comforts that I so easily become entangled too.  

In His Grace,

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